Online Workshop: How to understand descriptive statistics

EGPRN is hosting an Online Workshop: How to understand descriptive statistics

Descriptive statistics is about summarising, organising and presenting data in a meaningful and concise way.

In this 60-minute workshop, we will cover:

  • how we can measure of the mid-point of data: mean, median, mode, and when to use them;
  • how we can describe the spread of data, for example: range, standard deviation and inter-quartile range;
  • how we should use graphs to make our data easier to understand;
  • how we can compare two sets of data; this includes scatter plots and correlation.

As with all our teaching, this will be an interactive workshop, not a lecture. This time there will be no pre-course reading for you to do, but you will need to do some work in small groups.

Workshop tutors: Prof. Dr. Michael Harris, UK; Dr Ileana Gefaell, Spain, Dr Sara Ares Blanco

28 November 2024

Published on 28 October 2024.

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