Zarbailov, N., Wilm, S., Tandeter, H. et al. Strengthening general practice/family medicine in Europe—advice from professionals from 30 European countries. BMC Fam Pract 18, 80 (2017). Background: Substantial variations are still to be found in the strength of general practice/family med...
2017 Public
Margus Lember (Estonia) and Egle Zebiene (Lithuania) with support of the EURACT Specific Training Task Force members Marten Kvist (Finland), Fergus O'Kelly (Ireland), Justin Allen (UK), Ivar Astergaard (Denmark), Dolores Fores (Spain), Athanasios Simeonidis (Greece), Igor Svab (Slovenia), Oka...
2002 Public
A revised Statement by the Leeuwenhorst Working Group, November 1981
1981 Public
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