Strengthening general practice/family medicine in Europe—advice from professionals from 30 European countries

Zarbailov, N., Wilm, S., Tandeter, H. et al. Strengthening general practice/family medicine in Europe—advice from professionals from 30 European countries. BMC Fam Pract 18, 80 (2017). Background: Substantial variations are still to be found in the strength of general practice/family med...

2017 Public

A ‘minimal core curriculum’ for Family Medicine in undergraduate medical education: A European Delphi survey among EURACT representatives

Howard Tandeter, Francesco Carelli, Markku Timonen, Givi Javashvili, Okay Basak, Stefan Wilm, Natalia Zarbailov, Wolfgang Spiegel & Mette Brekke (2011), European Journal of General Practice, 17:4, 217-220

2011 Public

A Description of the Work of a General Practitioner

A revised Statement by the Leeuwenhorst Working Group, November 1981

1981 Public

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