What influences on their professional development do general practice trainees report from their hospital placements? A qualitative study

Joanna Peart, Nele R. Michels, Karena Hanley, Cian Dolan, Julie Luyckx, Valerie Tanghe, Emma Peeters, Milda Burneikaite, Sonata Varvuolyte, Vesna Homar, Lucija Galič, Kamala Klobučar Kragelj, Geoff McCoombe & Nynke Scherpbier ABSTRACT Background: The clinical learning environment is impor...

2023 Public

History of the Leeuwenhorst Group

Presented by Professor B. S. Polak at the 3rd European Conference on Teaching in General Practice, Antwerp, September 1982.

1982 Public

A Description of the Work of a General Practitioner

A revised Statement by the Leeuwenhorst Working Group, November 1981

1981 Public

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