What influences on their professional development do general practice trainees report from their hospital placements? A qualitative study

Joanna Peart, Nele R. Michels, Karena Hanley, Cian Dolan, Julie Luyckx, Valerie Tanghe, Emma Peeters, Milda Burneikaite, Sonata Varvuolyte, Vesna Homar, Lucija Galič, Kamala Klobučar Kragelj, Geoff McCoombe & Nynke Scherpbier ABSTRACT Background: The clinical learning environment is impor...

2023 Public

Patronage rules for educational events

decided at the Leuven meeting 1994

1994 Public

A Description of the Work of a General Practitioner

A revised Statement by the Leeuwenhorst Working Group, November 1981

1981 Public

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