Swedish Association of General Practice (SFAM)

SFAM is the professional and scientific college of general practitioners (family physicians) in Sweden, a non-profit organisation with about 2000 members. SFAM is affiliated to the Swedish Society of Medicine (Svenska Läkaresällskapet) as well as the Swedish Medical Association (Läkarförbundet). Main areas of interest for SFAM are continuing professional development, training of future GPs, assessment of competence, quality improvement and research in general practice/family medicine.

SFAM represents Swedish GPs in a number of international organisations, including WONCA, EURACT, EGPRN, and EQuiP. SFAM was the host of the European Wonca Conference in Stockholm 1996. SFAM also cooperates with the other Nordic colleges in arranging Nordic conferences in general practice and hosted the Nordic Congress of General Practice 2015 in Gothenburgh.


As the official representative for family medicine, SFAM is frequently asked to comment on proposals from governmental and other authorities concerning medical practice and other matters that concern GPs and their patients.

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