Welcome as OiC!
If you represent an organisation that is actively involved in teaching general practice / family medicine, your organisation is invited to become an 'Organisation in Collaboration' with EURACT.
Apply to Become an Organisation in Collaboration
It should be easy to apply for OiC of the Academy, but you need to discuss it with your National Council member, whose contact details are listed on the website here, for support. You may apply online by completing this form. After discussing with your National Council member and submitting the form, then it will be presented for approval at the next meeting of Executive Board.
Please be aware that you are not a member unless this process has been completed. You will also forfeit your membership if you do not pay your subscription in the appropriate calendar year.
We wish you success with your application and please make sure you use and enjoy your membership.
Benefits for Organisations in Collaboration
- OiCs will be listed on the EURACT website.
- OiCs can put the EURACT logo on its web-site and use it on their promotional and educational materials together with the note: “Organisation in collaboration with EURACT”.
- EURACT members of the OiC are eligible to reductions on participation fees for EURACT's courses and conferences similar to individual members of EURACT.
- Free use of educational material developed by EURACT.
- Take advantage of EURACT's expertise and network in different fields of medical education.
Any organisation seeking OiC membership in EURACT must
- Be actively involved in teaching of General Practice/Family Medicine.
- Submit the dedicated application form with at least 4 individuals for appointment as EURACT members to the national representative.
- Pay membership fees on time and in full with the required fee.
- Support their country's delegate to the EURACT Council.
Procedures related to the application process
- The EURACT Executive Board will approve the OiC and the individuals as members after the national representative confirms that the organisation and the individuals are involved in GP teaching.
- The OiC membership fee is calculated on the basis of the number of EURACT member candidates multiplied by the individual membership fee of the respected country for the year of payment.
- Elections for the country representative will follow the rules of EURACT and will take place from among all paid-up members, irrespective of payment being made individually or through the OiC.