Improve as Teacher

EURACT -  the European Academy of Teachers in General Practice/Family Medicine - is an independent Association, but one of the Network-organizations of WONCA Europe - World Organization of National Colleges, Academies and Academic Associations of General Practitioners/Family Physicians. Those organizations concern themselves with the different aspects of general practice/primary health care. Within this network EURACT is responsible for the subjects of study and education.

EURACT aims to foster and maintain a high standard in European primary health care by the promotion of study and education in the field of general practice within the countries that are affiliated with WONCA Europe.

EURACT has over the last 30 years facilitated the development of educators and trainers of Family Medicine in Europe. Family Doctors are now involved in medical education at all levels. EURACT supports this community of medical educators and trainers with conferences, courses, symposia and an appraisal system. Also it supports this network of teachers, informs its members, establishes and maintains communication networks among members, reports about education in the field of general practice/family medicine and primary health care and encourages research and publications in the field of medical education of general practice/family medicine. 


All offers for personal further development as a teacher within the framework of EURACT can be found here.


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