IPCRG 7th Scientific meeting Munich, Germany, 15-16 May 2023

The IPCRG is delighted to announce that the 7th IPCRG Scientific Meeting will be held in Munich, Germany, from 15-16 May 2023. We are working with our German Group led by Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Antonius Schneider, and the meeting will be preceded by an introductory course in qualitative research as part of our drive to build research capacity in primary care.

The 6th IPCRG Scientific Meeting was held in Bucharest, Romania in 2019, after which we experienced an enforced break in our usual programme during the pandemic. However, we were able to host the IPCRG World Conference, in partnership with our Irish colleagues, online in 2021 and hosted virtual conference sessions in 2020. Our 11th World Conference was held in Malaga in May 2022. We are extremely pleased to be able to return to our normal schedule for face to face meetings and have committed to holding a Scientific Meeting in the ‘odd’ years when there is no IPCRG World Conference.

The conference programme is being built by our Research Leadership Team and other scientific colleagues, seeking ideas from our network. The announcement for the launch of abstract submissions will occur late in 2022. The meeting will provide primary care researchers, innovators, and leaders in respiratory care the opportunity to present their research for peer review, test out new ideas for real life research, foster high quality exchange about what primary care needs to improve performance, and build capacity and strengthen global research networks.

The conference will take place at the Maritim Hotel, Munich, Germany.  

15-16 May 2023
Maritim Hotel, Munich, Germany.

Published on 17 November 2022.

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