TEACHING THE TEACHERS: Meeting the individual needs

EURACT European Academy of Teachers in General Practice

Hungarian Academy of Teachers
in General Practice

Semmelweis University Department of Family Medicine

Meeting the Individual needs

May 18-20, 2000 Hotel Flora
Eger, Hungary


The European Academy of teachers in General Practice (EURACT) and the Hungarian Academy of Teachers In General Practice have taken the initiative for this course which is intended to help new teachers and trainers to discuss the process of learning and education.

The target group of the course are general practitioners involved in medical education. The course will be based on short presentations by experts, group work and open discussion in small groups. The participants will be supplied with course material in advance. A EURACT certificate will be issued to the participants at the end of the course. The course will be limited to 25 participants.


  • To learn to identify one's own needs as teachers.
  • To enhance the use of the principles of adult learning.
  • To enhance skills in assessing learning needs.


  • Aimed at inexperienced or relatively inexperienced teachers in GR Based on adult learning tailored to individual needs.
  • Active participation: learning by doing.

Course organiser:
Dr. Janos Szabo, EURACT councilor for Hungary

Course Leaders:
Dr. Justin Allen is honorary secretary of the joint committee on postgraduate training for general practice of the RCGP, deputy director of postgraduate GP education.
South Trend and EURACT councilor for the United Kingdom.

Dr. Ivar Ostergaard is course organiser specific training scheme in general practice in Aarhus and EURACT councilor for Denmark.

Dr. Athanasios Simeonidis is Vice-President of ELEGEIA, deputy director of vocational training at the Reg. Gen. Hospital AXEPA. Thessaloniki, and EURACT councilor for

Thursday 18 May

1400 Introductions Group interaction
1500 Education Theory Presentation
1530 Break
1600 Developing a timetable Small group work
1730 Thoughts so far Plenary session
1800 Feedback exercise Trios
1930 End

Friday 19 May
0900 Where are we - hot topics to be covered - Plenary discussion
0930 Teaching methods Presentation wit brainstorming
1030 Break
1100 Teaching practice -develop a tutorial
1230 Lunch
1400 Teaching from the consultation Presentation
1430 Direct methods Small group workshop
1545 Break
1615 Indirect methods Small group work

Saturday 20 May
0900 Where are we - hot topics to be covered
0930 Assessment of learning needs Presentation
1030 Break
1100 Assessment practice in - Small group workshop
1230 Lunch
1400 Evidence based education Presentation/ discussion
1500 Theory to practice -developing a learning plan - Small group workshop
1545 Break
1615 Continue workshop
1700 Course evaluation
1800 Close

18-20 May 2000
Eger, Hungary

Published on 18 May 2000.

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