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Day 1 – 4th October 

1. Welcome 

2. President’s report (Attachment 1) 


3. Honorary Secretary’s report of Spring meeting 2023 – 


4. Report from EURACT representative on WONCA Europe Executive Board (Adam) Received. (Attachment 2) 

5. Election of 1) EURACT EB Hon. Treasurer & 2) EURACT EB Member at Large (Alex & Barbara) • Renzo was elected as treasurer 

• Esra was elected as Member at Large after 4 rounds of voting.  

6. Representative WONCA Europe WP on Policy Advocacy: 2 candidates: Alex & Alessandra • Confirmed recommendations. Alex as representative and Alessandra as deputy 

7. New task force 

• Online courses  

• Relational competences 


Vote was deferred between these due to time taken on election of EB members 

8. EURACT trees 

Update on the new trees 

9. CME PinPoint platform 

Update received. 

10. Covid-19 Study 

This is an ongoing project update received. 

11. Appraisal portfolio  

Update received. 

12. EUSIT  

• Ukrainian support for teaching. Exchanges and visits organised. 

• MOUs between Uzhgorod and Geneva arranged. 

• Research symposia organised. 

• Online Lulaby teaching sessions 

• Visits to Ukraine arranged 

• POCUS group and task force proposed

13. WONCA Europe Conference 2024  

Reminder that abstracts open Feb 1st. Members to think about the 2x workshops that are not  peer reviewed 

14. EURACT new communications manager 

Bethan has stood down and members were asked to propose suitable candidates 

15. Approval of new members & countries  

The membership task force will discuss this matter further 

Approval and non-approvals were discussed and agreed 

Update re Israel members 

16. Launching of new EURACT website  

Maria introduced the new website and was congratulated 

17. Online payment of fees  

Cash is no longer accepted. All enquiries about group membership should go to Barbara.  Action: Need to resolve how to send reminders when membership has lapsed, who should be  responsible for chasing up this. Again this was a matter deferred to the membership committee   

18. Bled course 2023 & 2024  

Report received 

Date: 18-21 September 2024 and topic will be Emotions in GP 

19. EURACT Educational Conference in 2025  

Spring 2026 was agreed as the provisional date for this. 

20. Leonardo Level 3 in Israel  

12 participants confirmed in Tel Aviv 

Communications between EB and Member Services Committee regarding participants were  discussed. Need to be clear who can be invited from multiprofessional teams and allied healthcare  workers.  

2 Leonardo courses planned now. Call for those interested in facilitating and hosting. Discussion about non GP members of EURACT. Action: Member Service will discuss these topics.  NB Due to the tragic events in Israel the BLED meeting was subsequently cancelled 

21. Next Council Meeting: Croatia (4 to 6 April 2024) 

Accommodation and venue are arranged.  

Able to book from January onwards 

22. Next Council Meetings (Montenegro (Autumn 2024) & maybe Georgia (Spring 2025)). Action  for EB: The dates for these need arranging as a priority → NB Autumn meeting: Budva, 10-12  Oct 2024 

23. Specific requests from Committees and Task Forces (Chairs) 

The reports of the Committees and Task Forces were received. 

Day 2 Business meeting 

Reports from committees 

BME Helena 

Report received from the group.  

• European Survey completed. Analysis of results ongoing. The large variety in European UG  medical education is apparent 

• Tele-medicine innovations (glasses and video libraries) discussed 

• History of the committee – idea for another workstream. 

• Possibility of doing a WONCA Europe workshop depending on the dates.  

ST Committee Joachim  

Report received 

• Ongoing project: Needs assessments 

• Possible projects; SDL/SRL, upward feedback, competency-based education • Future projects: Supervision of STs 

CME Committee Arabelle 

Report received 

• EUSIT project – exchanges and visits between member countries especially Ukraine • CME-CDP Database  

• PinPoint Platform 

Member services Nikos 

Report received 

• Sponsorship policy – form has been revised 

• Website has been revised 

• Leaflet needs to be revised 

• Clarity about who is to be invited to courses / groups 

• Articles of association revised 

• Issues of payment raised by some countries; all membership to run for calendar years.  Issue of follow up of non-payment raised. Council members encouraged to approach  Barbara for lists of non-payers ? at end of Jan and Feb.  

• Clarification of rules regarding honorary members 

• Communication between MSC and EB. Clarification of articles regarding eligibility for  membership with respect to members of multi-professional team in Primary Care.  o Decision; to take this suggestion to the EB 

Leonardo Task Force Renzo 

Report received 

• Course dates reviewed 

• Clarification of facilitator characteristics summarised 

• Sponsorship criteria reviewed 

o 12/36 will be sponsored = Euro 9,000 

• Standardisation of teaching materials as ongoing project

Education materials 

• Warm up sessions and chill zones 

Conference Working Group 

The work of this group was discussed previously  

1 Slide 5-minute presentation Chloe 

A new 4 year ST programme (France) was described. Previously this had been 3 years.  Chloe (and France) was congratulated for this progress 

Choosing a new task group 

An election took place between 3 options 

Quantitative data was collected by Odd Martin and confirmed by Nele 

1. Relational competence task group (Nikos) 21 

2. Online learning 0 

3. POCUS (point of contact ultrasound) 7 

Decision: It was decided to progress with Relational Competence and POCUS task groups and to  consider renaming the educational materials task group to reflect the emergence of online  learning. 

Published on 27 May 2024.

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